26 October 2020



Stats for my copy: Trade paperback, Warner Books, 2002.

How acquired: Bought

First line: I spend five days a week teaching English at East Bennington High and two nights a week teaching English at Attica State Prison. 

(For Goodreads synopsis, scroll down.)

My thoughts: I bought this book way back in 2008 because I had watched the movie. I always want to read a book after I watch the movie adaptation because the book is (almost) always better. By the time I finally pulled this book off the shelf to read, I realized I had almost zero memory of the movie, other than the fact that Clive Owen's character has an affair with Jennifer Aniston's character. 

Normally I wouldn't have much sympathy for a man who cheated on his wife, but the author made me actually care about Charles and feel sorry for him when his life started imploding. On a Monday morning Charles boards the train, and then realizes when the conductor comes around that he's forgotten to buy a ticket. The lovely Lucinda steps forward and pays his fare for him. And so begins an acquaintance which turns into a few meals together, which turns into a hot tryst at a hotel, which turns into their worst nightmare. 

I loved the writing, the author's voice. I was sucked in fast and mesmerized, as Charles' life goes off the rails. I was rooting for him. I don't want to say much more. If you read this book, you need to experience it the way I did, not knowing what would happen next, thinking Charles might have a handle on it, things might be ok now, and then there's a twist and the unexpected happens. 

It's dark, I'll tell you that. The scene in the hotel room, when Charles and Lucinda are about to leave after their tryst and the first unexpected happening happens, is horrifying and a bit graphic. If I didn't have a job to go to, I think I could've read this book straight through in one or two days. 

I have got to find more of Mr. Siegel's books. 

Goodreads synopsis: Successful ad exec and loyal family man Charles Schine has never missed the 8:43...until today. He's late for his usual ride, but he's right on time for his worst nightmare. Sitting across from him on the 9:05 is the type of woman he's only dared to dream about. He takes a risk, breaks a vow, and soon his life is spiraling violently out of control. He betrays his family. A man is murdered. And a small fortune is lost. Now Charles must begin the most perilous journey of all--the fight to get his life back on track. 

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