31 January 2012

Dragonsinger (Harper Hall Trilogy, Book 2)


Masterharper Robinton has now taken Menolly to the Harper Hold Craft Hall to be an apprentice, his apprentice. The dragonrider who transports them tells her not to worry, there's nothing to fear from Harpers. Little does he know. Menolly and her nine fire lizards create quite a stir at the Craft Hall, and while she quickly makes some friends, she just as quickly makes some enemies. She feels very lost and is still unsure if she really belongs there.

One thing I still have a little trouble with is equating the Menolly from the Harper Hold books with the Menolly we met in the Dragonriders trilogy. Of course between Dragonsong and Dragonsinger, she's grown quite a bit as a person, slowly coming out of her shell and becoming  a little more confident, so I imagine we'll see more of that transformation in the third Harper Hall book.

I looked forward to every interaction Menolly had with Sebell, since we already know from the first trilogy that they become a couple. I'm a romance reader at heart, and had to keep reminding myself this is not a romance book, and it won't play out that way! One of Menolly's first friends is Piemur, who we also met in the Dragonriders trilogy, and he was a fun character to get to know.

While I think I did enjoy Dragonsong more, this was still a satisfying story, and I'm eager to continue the trilogy.

(I received this book through BookCrossing.)

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